Name of the accommodation: DANUBIUS HEALTH SPA RESORT HÉVIZ
* * * *
Hévíz, Kossuth u. 9-11.
Reservation phone:
City center
Main services:
24 hours reception
Non-smoking rooms
Wheelchair access
Fitness center
Swimming pool
Conference room
Anti-allergic rooms
The DANUBIUS HEALTH SPA RESORT HÉVIZ reviews are from our guests who have stayed in this hotel during their visit to Hungary.
These reviews, ratings and comments reflect their individual opinions generated by their experience of the hotel.
Total: |
Staff: |
7.7 |
Clean: |
8.3 |
Value for money: |
8.0 |
Room comfort: |
8.0 |
Services: |
8.0 |
Dining: |
7.7 |
Location: |
7.7 |
Hotel reviews of guest stayed in DANUBIUS HEALTH SPA RESORT HÉVIZ.
The reviews are in order of date, maximum 25 per page.
The hotel reviews are made personally by the guests who booked and stayed in any of the hotels of Budapest Hotel Reservation .hu. These reviews are the opinions of the guests and not necessarily represent the opinion of
About guest reviews:
These hotel reviews are submitted by the guests who have stayed in this hotel during their visit in Hungary. The ratings and comments reflect their individual opinions generated by their experiences at the hotel.
How to write a hotel review? You can only write hotel reviews that will appear on this website if you have booked your Budapest hotel with Budapest Hotel Reservation .hu and have been a guest of our partner hotels. After departing from the hotel we will send you a rating form by e-mail - with just one click you can rate every service of the hotel you have stayed in, then write an extensive review that will help your fellow travellers decide whether the lodging is worth a try.